
Ben & Jerry’s Offers Free Ice Cream on Annual “Free Cone Day”

by Alice

Ice cream enthusiasts rejoice as Ben & Jerry’s gears up to celebrate its annual “Free Cone Day” on April 16th. Established in 1979, this tradition serves as a token of appreciation to loyal patrons and a gesture of community outreach.

Last year, the renowned ice cream company delighted customers with a staggering 970,000 complimentary scoops. This year, they aim higher, setting a goal to serve a whopping 1 million scoops.


Participation in Free Cone Day requires no purchase, making it accessible to all. Additionally, patrons are welcome to indulge in as many cones as they desire, with no limitations on rejoining the line.


So mark your calendars and head to your nearest Ben & Jerry’s location on April 16th to partake in the festivities. Whether you opt to sample one flavor or indulge in a variety, Free Cone Day promises a delightful treat for all.


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